Happy 2016, friends!
I am officially finished with my Masters in Linguistics; Ben and I are debt free; we are in our own little place with a wonderful landlord; and, tomorrow, I will be starting full time work at the bamboo farm where Ben is already working.
We are so deeply thankful for God's abundant provision for us and for the prayers and support of friends and family.
What happens next?
A friend and I were talking about awkward seasons in life when we stand ready to jump at the next thing God wants us to do, but that next thing is not quite apparent yet. It feels unstable, full of possibilities and maybes but no concrete plan to present with certainty.
I am having to learn that it is no shame to present the community of Faith with the maybes and by so doing receive prayer and guidance.
This is where Ben and I are now.
We are eager to be on our way, to come to our new home in Papua New Guinea and join in the work of Bible Translation and community building that we have been invited into. But between us and that destination there is an ocean of unknowns. Who will we partner with? Who will send us? Are we sufficiently equipped? Are we ready spiritually?
At least we know the right next step. There are some things that are clear: God has provided Ben with opportunities to become more equipped for his work in our mission, including a workshops on sustainable agriculture and wilderness medical aid; we have been counseled to put together a faith statement and letter of intent to
share with those who are interested in partnering with us; and we have been provided an opportunity to save and set aside a sum of money during this next season. That's a good place to start.
Thank you for praying for us and for your patience as we fumble our way through this adventure. We are currently
praying about sometime in August as a departure date for our
initial stay in Papua New Guinea. God has been faithful, and we know He will continue to direct us and provide for us as we seek His will.
We pray that your new year has begun with joy, and that God will bless you abundantly as you seek after Him in obedience.
With love,
The Grimms